Monthly Archives: February 2008

Weekend YAY!

Tomorrow we are meeting family that we haven’t seen in a long time for lunch.  I will surely bring my camera and get a bunch of photos.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Make the most of it ya hear! : ) Marina 


I bought this cute, little pouch bag the other day from a woman at Pottery.  Her daughter was on a mission in Cambodia and she brought back all this stuff to sell.  It’s cool to know that in some small way I helped a woman in a small village so far away.                                       

Studio time

Spent the entire day at the pottery studio yesterday.  It was the last day to throw stuff.  The session is wrapping up and now we only have two weeks to finish up anything that needs to be trimmed or glazed.  I managed to throw a pitcher and a mug.  The pitcher is my biggest piece...


This past weekend was all about family.  Saturday, we met my cousins at Grandma’s house.  We have the unpleasant task of cleaning it out.  It’s definitely hard to go through someone’s things.  It was sad and I have to say it hit me more today. Sunday we saw Craig’s family for Brunch.  His cousins were there...

Culinary Delight

Last night, Julie and Samy invited girls only to their house for a special dinner.  It was a dinner to thank some of Mom’s special friends for giving her so much support when Gram passed away.  It turned out to be spectacular.  I’ll get right to the pictures…. Raw scallop with grapefruit and ginger crackling. ...


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