Monthly Archives: November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Our family has so much to be thankful for this year.  Please use this opportunity to let YOUR family members know just how much they mean to you.  It’s easy….. Excuse me, please pass the gravy and by the way I love you. HA! Happy Turkey everyone.

Where am I?

Here I am!  I’ve been so busy that I totally neglected the blog. boo hoo.  I’ve been taking care of business as they say.  Yes, I’m finally trying to launch my photography business.  Did you not know that I am a photographer?  EEhhhh derrrrrrrr helllooooo!  There is a new website in the works and I’ve...

Not camping

This past weekend we rented a cabin in the Poconos.  It was a great house with hardwood floors, a big kitchen and many many bedrooms.  There were ten adults and seven children.  The kids had a blast just being there.  Ben spent most of the weekend climbing up and down the staircase.  I guess since we...


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