Monthly Archives: February 2009

He took the train to work…

He has been playing like I’ve never seen before. It definitely has gone to the next level. This week has been THE most enjoyable with Ben ever.  (I think I say that every week but…)  Today, we had such nice weather, we were outside all morning.  He chalked up the driveway, tried to hoola hoop,...


Sweetness Originally uploaded by earthandskye I have been so busy lately…..sorry for not posting. Here is a bit of sugar to get you through the day.

A night in the life

                                                                                                                   A typical evening in our house when getting the monsta ready for bed.  Daddy helps him brush his teeth and sneaks in some kisses.  Ben gets the giggles when he is tired (for the most part), he makes a bunch of silly faces too….here, he breaks into song afterwards.   

It came to me!

I am part of a group called, “The Travelling Flickr Scarf”.  Sounds corny I know but in essence, is really cool.  The scarf was made by one of the girls who started the group.  Then it started travelling.  When a person gets it, they shoot it and send it on its way to the next...


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