Monthly Archives: September 2009

He is soaring…

When the Monsta started school, I knew that it would be a wonderful thing but what I didn’t know was HOW wonderful.  When I pick that kid up he has this new light glowing from within that is just incredible to see.  He has always been amazing (spoken like a true Mom)….I could go on and...

Kicking off 5770

What a wonderful weekend we had!  Craig and I hosted Rosh Hashanah for 23 and it turned out great.  Everyone brought something and helped and the evening went fantastic.  I NEVER would have been able to be on my feet that whole time now that I’m two weeks away from having the little one.  BIG...

END of Summer

END of Summer and heading into Fall. I <3 this time of year. The colors, the smell, the crispness of the air, the way my hair is less frizzy… 🙂 Have a great day!

I’m all over the place

I am so nuts right now, I don’t which way is up!  Is this 37 weeks controlling me right now?  I can’t seem to pick one thing and actually finish it.  Oh and there is a cricket in the kitchen for the past three days which is also driving me crazy.  ACK!

He is doing stuff that I can’t see or hear

Are you sick of my poolside flowers yet? It is now Thursday and I realize that I never discussed the Holiday weekend.  Briefly…..Friday: Went out to dinner with Craig and had delicious filet mignon at the Grill Room.  That place is great a couple of times a year (no more).  Saturday:  Had a bunch of...


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