Monthly Archives: January 2010

Eggy on a Raft

Another Grandma favorite that I remember growing up: Eggy on a Raft Butter bread (I used whole wheat).  Toast on one side in a frying pan till a little brown. Take out and pinch/cut out a hole in the center (pop that part into your mouth) Crack egg carefully into the hole Cover and cook...

I think I’ve started something…

It has totally been done before BUT not by me.  I like these shots and I think I will continue them over Cubby’s first year.  I see a change already and these are only a few weeks apart. January 28, 2010 (4 months today) January 11, 2010   I wish my Gram could have met...

Weekend in PA.

Still trying to unpack from our great weekend in Montrose, PA…… Boy, does a family of four need a lot of things! We did remarkably well for all staying in one room though.  Believe me, I was worried about it.  Ben slept on an air mattress and David in the pack n’ play.  They both rolled...

He didn’t freak!

Today was Monsta’s first trip to the dentist.  I have been talking about it all week.  I figured the more prepared he was the better.  This morning, he told me he didn’t want to go but I kept saying that it was no big deal.  I told him that afterwards he would probably say, “I wanna...


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