Monthly Archives: August 2010


We set out on a beautiful day with friends… Captain Joe made sure everyone had the proper life vest. This one was too big but it had a way cool whistle. We were off… We boarded and left out of Port Jeff Harbor. Ben had to change his life vest to this Barbie one (don’t...

Sweet like a mallomar

Do you have a super cute Aunt in your family?  Well, we do and her name is Aunt Muriel.  She was married to one of my Grandfather’s (on my Mom’s side) brothers.  Her Grandfather was a woodcarver and her home is decorated with his masterpieces.  I am lucky to have one of his pieces  that...

Bayshore Arts & Crafts Festival

I have been trying to get to this festival for about three or four years now. Every year, something comes up, and I just can’t seem to make it. Not this year. Nope. We made it there and had a grand time. On arrival…….we were greeted with a free balloon which brightened up the Monsta...


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