Monthly Archives: June 2011

A day in the life

We are pretty casual around here. I don’t book up my kids with a zillion different classes and activities so that our lives become more stressful than needed. I have special things scheduled like any parent would but during our free time, I love for my boys to just be boys. Dressing up in costume...

Preshool Grad.

My little big boy graduated today. He sang his little heart out (with gusto I must add) on the stage. He accepted his diploma with confidence and posed so sweetly. He treads with caution and uncertainty at times. Today he stood proudly with his best friend.  Bittersweet was the feeling. We went for pizza and then...

It’s a New Dawn

Being that I love P. Allen Smith and record all his shows and watch them faithfully, four years ago, I planted New Dawn roses at the base of an arbor. In the opening of his show there is always a picture of an arbor with these roses that is so magnificent I can’t stand it....


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