Monthly Archives: February 2012

Happenings at ground level

Yesterday was glorious.  The sun was shining and the kids were romping.  I explored the yard to see what was going on.  All signs point towards Spring.  I love seeing buds forming, browns turning to green and life popping out of soil. Here are a few gems… First up is my organic garlic. How sweet...

Fruit Palm Tree

Saw this on FaceBook this morning and just had to try… Happy Kid! Most of you know that I’ve been juicing for I think almost a month now. I totally love it. Today, I made my first smoothie. It sort of bombed. Blender got all stuck, Kale, frozen banana and strawberries. It needed liquid so...

Simple joy

I heard marching in the distance.  I was in the kitchen preparing lunch.  The stomping got louder and so did the giggles.  I hear Monsta trying to whisper not to tell Mommy what we are wearing to his brother.  I knew they were up to something.  They finally burst in saying, “Look at us!”.  “We...


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